「ケミカルピーリング」による治療も行えます。 Treatment by “chemical peeling” is also possible.
適応症・ニキビ肌・ニキビ跡・黒ニキビ・白ニキビ・毛穴の開き・美白・顔全体のくすみ・小じわ 等
Chemical peeling is a method of promoting the regeneration of young and fresh skin by removing dead skin cells on the skin surface.
We use high-quality macrogol salicylate to provide safe and effective treatment after consultation by a specialist.
Indications, acne skin, acne scars, black acne, white acne, open pores, whitening, dullness of the entire face, fine lines, etc.
<Because it is not covered by health insurance, it will be a self-pay medical treatment. >