音声認識アプリのSpeechy (Speechy, a voice recognition app)
文字通り音声認識でテキスト(文字)に変換するアプリになります。 くぼた院長がiPadのアプリに向けて声を発すると、自動的にテキスト(文字)に変換してくれます(@_@) 今まで、筆談で書いていたことを思うと、画期的なアプリです。 短文も長文も比較的正確に変換してくれますが… つい、最近では、くぼた院長と男性患者さまのエピソードでこんなことがありました。 患者さまに尿検査の結果を伝える時に… くぼた院長「尿の検査は大丈夫です。」と診察室でSpeechyで伝えたら Speechy「女の検査は大丈夫です。」とテキスト翻訳していましたΣ(゚Д゚) ビックリです(◎_◎;) くぼた院長が「おしっこの検査は大丈夫です。」と言い直したら、無事に正確に変換できました(*´Д`) 翻訳機能がおかしいのか、先生の活舌がおかしいのか… こんな失敗もたまにはありますが、Speechyは比較的正確に変換してくれます。 Speechyは、とても便利なアプリです。![]()
Deaf and hard of hearing patients will also come to the clinic.
The staff at the clinic will speak and speak loudly and answer.
Dr. Kubota also responded by writing, but recently he seems to have found a useful app.
Do you know the voice recognition app "Speechy"?
It is an application that literally converts to text (character) by voice recognition.
When Dr. Kubota speaks to the iPad app, it automatically converts it to text (characters) (@ _ @)
Until now, it is a revolutionary app, considering what I wrote by writing.
It converts both short and long sentences relatively accurately ...
Just recently, this happened in an episode of Director Kubota and male patients.
When communicating the results of urinalysis to patients ...
When I told Speechy in the doctor's office that "Urinalysis is OK."
Speechy had translated the text "Women's test is okay."
I'm surprised (◎ _ ◎;)
When Dr. Kubota rephrased, "Peeing is OK." I was able to convert it safely and correctly (* ´Д `)
Whether the translation function is wrong or the teacher's tongue is wrong ...
Although there are occasional mistakes, Speechy is relatively accurate.
Speechy is a very useful app.